As I sit here typing my words into the computer and figuratively tapping my chin while deep in contemplative thought...oh excuse me...once again I've attempted to fire up too many of my brain cells at one time...
FOCUS...that's what I need to do...or is it?
During the Holidays my brain, my body and my emotions are running on overdrive...and I know I'll be facing the post holidays dull drums all too soon. Are you familiar with those feelings of being just plain worn out...way beyond the point of redemption? Does anyone else go through the same emotions? If you do...perhaps this will help...
I'm going to
GIVEAWAY this necklace!

I made this is a 21 inch, double strand necklace of greenish-blue magnesite with lovely swirls of taupe throughout the beads and I added flat finish bronze seed beads with tiny sterling bead caps for a little dramatic emphasis.

Here's a close up of this pretty magnesite necklace! The first photo on this post shows the true greenish-blue coloring of the magnesite.
So here's all the giveaway info you'll need! I have to be honest...I got the ideas for my criteria information from Gwenny for her "Giveaway" you can find her information
here! Thanks Gwenny...as always...you inspire me!
ENTRY CRITERIA1. Existing or new followers of my blog who leave a comment about my
Giveaway on this blog post will receive 1 entry for the
2. Mention my
Giveaway on your blog, leave me a comment directing me to your blog post and you'll receive an additional 1 entry for the
3. Add the first photo at the top of this
Giveaway post to your sidebar, keep it there until the drawing is completed and notify me of said actions to receive an additional 1 entry for the
WHEN? The Giveaway entries begin December 11, 2010 and end at 10 p.m. CST Thursday, December 30, 2010.
Since I'm just not a RULES kinda gal...we'll go with TWO RULES...this time. #1 RULE Continental United States entries only. I apologize for the strong boundary limitations. In the future as I have more giveaways perhaps I can expand the area.
#2 RULE My family members may not participate...don't worry they won't be upset I gift them with jewelry all the time!
DRAWINGOoops! I almost forgot...
the winner will be chosen 7pm CST Saturday, January 1, 2011!in a random selection process or in other words...Miss M (my youngest daughter) will select the lucky winner's name from the proverbial fish bowl...but in this
Giveaway the entries will be placed in an antique metal colander...it's huge...do you think I'm too optimistic...I hope not!
Right after the drawing, I'll announce the winner on my blog and then I'll contact the winner for their mailing information.
I will mail the necklace via USPS FIRST CLASS/INSURED/RECEIPT REQUESTED the first working day after I have received the winner's mailing information.
So what do y'all think? Are you tempted to participate? Aw come on...join in the fun, tell your friends and let's see how much this giveaway helps all of us get past those pesky Post Holiday Dull drums!