Recently there has been an outpouring of personal tributes to "It will get Better”. After our family's loss, I wrote these words....
"Each of us will face life experiences that will test our will to the limits of personal endurance, to a place we'd rather not visit with everything emotionally imploding around us. Therein, we are overwhelmed and only seek relief. Some of us will build a facade to hide our sorrow while the pain festers and grows more intense. Most of us cringe at the very thought of past, present or the potential for future pain BUT please remember these words...
5 seconds, 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 weeks, 5 months, 5 years or more from now...you will have survived. Yes it was painful and upon reflection you will have learned more about your personal tenacity and your special place in this world but most of all you will be here with your family and friends.
So tell someone about your pain, let someone know, allow them to help until you can again hold your standard high. Always remember you matter and please believe… it will get better, take a breath...reach out...ask for help...and believe.
Take a moment to remember the worst moment of your life...who helped you? Have you felt the moral obligation to do the same for someone in your life? If the opportunity presents itself please help them find a way to wait that 5 minutes before they make choice that can't be undone; a choice that leaves those left behind searching for answers, battling lifelong grief and every minute for the rest of their lives attempting to redefine normal.
Pain is best defined by the owner...
Compassion is best defined by understanding...
Hope is best defined by example...
And it will get better…I promise!"